The South Africa national cricket team, also popular as a Proteas which represents the country in international cricket and is handled by Cricket South Africa. South Africa cricket team is a full member of the ICC including Test, ODI (One D, and Twenty20 International (T20I) status.“King Protea” is the nickname of this team, it refers to South Africa’s national flower, Protea cynaroides. South Africa joined international cricket at the same time when they arranged an England cricket team in the year 1888–89. Cricket was recognized by the British in the early 19th Century. South Africa is one of the most successful teams in ODI cricket, overall it is the strongest team in the International level.
South Africa is currently 5th ranked in both Test and ODIs and 6th ranked in T20Is. Dean Elgar is the current Captain for Test and Temba Bavuma is the current captain for ODI and Ttwenty Internationals, and Mark Boucher is the current Coach of this team.
ICC Men's ODI Cricket, ICC Men's T20 Cricket, ICC Men's Test Cricket